Sunday, October 31, 2010

$1.00 Off Simply Orange Juice!

I can be a cheap bastard but one thing I don't skimp on is quality orange juice!  I always buy Tropicana Pure Premium or Simply Orange as it is the best.  With this coupon, Simply Orange should be about $1.59 to $1.79 depending on whether or not you can find it marked down slightly... that's CHEAP.  For the best experience, pair up your OJ with some good Champagne for a nice mimosa.

I just printed two of these puppies and mine don't expire until December 15th!

Follow THIS LINK and click on "Your coupon has arrived".

Friday, October 29, 2010

Customers clipped on coupons at Target

Slow times for free stuff right now, but this is prescient.  The gist of this article is about how Target is not always giving you full value on your coupons.  I have to say, this has happened to me.  Read the article here.

In other news, the end of the month is coming up.  Print any coupons you need before they switch in November...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Free Cottonelle Moist Wipes...but wait, there's more!

Last month I shared a deal to get free coupons for Cottonelle Moist Wipes.  About a week ago I finally got my coupons.  Well, I got my free tubs of moist wipes from Target and I noticed on the bottom, there were Box Tops for Education (BTFE) as well!  So when you get your moist wipes, don't forget to collect your BTFE.  If you don't donate them to your kids' school, you can sell them on Ebay like I plan to.  From what I've found, you can sell your BTFE for about seventy cents on the dollar.  Not a huge money maker, but you could still make a few bucks nonetheless.  I'm already up to $.90 worth of BTFE.  =)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nothing dulls the pain like FREE ADVIL!

They might have run out of Free Advil coupons and switched to $2 off coupons, either that or they are playing tricks with my computer. Find out for yourself.

Anyway, I got my free bottle of Advil. :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

I got my Free White Castle and M&M Candies!

A few days ago, I posted about Free White Castle Coupons... well I went back for seconds without a problem. After that, I went to Target and got my free M&M's and a free bottle of Advil. Total retail value, $6.10. Total spent, $.07, all on sales tax for the M&Ms. Not bad for a quickie before work. :)

Unfortunately, the free M&M deal is over, but the White Castle coupons don't expire until 10/30/2010... Get them now!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Free Advil Coupon and more!

Get your coupon for a free bottle of 24 Advil tablets... sign up here!

I've already got mine!

Here's the latest free stuff I've gotten.... 2x Advil coupons, free Post-It notes, and a sample of Crest Toothpaste from Walmart.

HOT! Extra is giving away free gum on Facebook

TODAY ONLY, if you "Like" Extra gum, they will send you a free sample. Go there now!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Success! I got my Cottonelle Coupon!

I signed up for my free Cottonelle Moist Wipes a few weeks ago and they just showed up in the mail today. I double checked--the giveaway is still going on. Sign up here!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Holiday Station Stores $.05 Gas Coupon

FYI, Holiday Gas Stations ALWAYS have coupons on their website for free drinks and $.05 off gas.  Don't buy gas without the coupon!

You can print the coupon off Holiday's Website here.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Box Tops for Education... Who Knew?

Remember Box Tops for Education? I do...sorta, from my elementary school days. I just recently discovered that people buy and sell Box Tops For Education on Ebay! It's known as BTFE for short. I did a little searching and it appears you can sell BTFE for about $.70 on the dollar!

Maybe not a bad way to slowly earn back a rebate on the food you buy anyway. I've started collecting, I've got $.60 worth so far. Welcome to the 21st Century I guess.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Success! I got my free Life Nutritious Energy Bar

Most people don't know this, but Walmart gives free samples of stuff on their website.  All you have to do is sign up and they mail it out to you!  Today I got a Life Bananna Walnut Bread snack bar in the mail.  Not bad!

For Walmart's latest free samples, just CLICK HERE!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Success! I got my Free White Castle yesterday!

I went to White Castle with my Free Garlic Slider coupon yesterday... and I think they screwed up my order and gave me two of them for free instead of just one.  Oops.  I didn't discover it until I was already driving away.  As you can see though, they charged me $0.00!  =)  This is a pretty good coupon, it doesn't expire until 10/30/2010....  I was too hungry to wait to take pictures so enjoy my photos of the wrappers!

 Take advantage of this deal while you can, see the printable coupon below!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

White Castle Free Garlic Cheese Slider Coupon!

No need to go anywhere, just click on the picture below, print it and get your FREE Garlic Cheese Slider at White Castle!

Free Scotch Blue Painter's Tape on Facebook

If you like Scotch on Facebook, they'll send you a sample of blue painter's tape.  Tape up your car before your next roadtrip!  Scotch's Facebook link.