Monday, October 18, 2010

Free Cottonelle Moist Wipes...but wait, there's more!

Last month I shared a deal to get free coupons for Cottonelle Moist Wipes.  About a week ago I finally got my coupons.  Well, I got my free tubs of moist wipes from Target and I noticed on the bottom, there were Box Tops for Education (BTFE) as well!  So when you get your moist wipes, don't forget to collect your BTFE.  If you don't donate them to your kids' school, you can sell them on Ebay like I plan to.  From what I've found, you can sell your BTFE for about seventy cents on the dollar.  Not a huge money maker, but you could still make a few bucks nonetheless.  I'm already up to $.90 worth of BTFE.  =)

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